Is this making sense?

This will serve as a little exercise to see how well all this stuff is clicking, in addition to getting you comfortable with some more advanced styling techniques. This is a screenshot of a site.

1. Some boxes in a row.

Here’s a bunch of boxes floated next to each other with numbers in the middle, but two of them are special.


2. This is a photo of a cat.

Drop an image of a cat here that fills the width of this column. You’ll probably have to use something like width: 100%;. And for that little guy, you’ll have to use something like font-family: monospace;.

3. This is a big link.

When you hover over it, it changes color. When you click it, it opens up Google in another tab. You don’t need to use a div for this. An a tag is an inline element, but you can make it a block element with css.

Take me to Google